Monday 5 September 2011

Kuih Talam

Kuih Talam is another popular kuih from Malaysia and Singpore. Talam is a Malay word meaning tray. This is because the kuih is steamed in a tray. It is made in two layers, one layer is sweet and one is savoury. The kuih is entirely opposite of the Seri Muka in terms of it's colours. The Kuih Talam has a white top and a green base whilst the Seri Muka has a green top and a white base. The Kuih Talam is also soft and jelly like whist the Seri Muka has a soft custard top with a glutinous rice base.

Both these kuihs are really yummy. They are both from the juice of pandan leave which gives them the green colour. The white tops and bottom is made from coconut cream which gives it a savoury, creamy taste and texture.

I recently got a chance to make kuih talam again for my wonderful friends from UK and so I took the opportunity to take more photos of the process of making the kuih. It's actually a simple 2 step process.

Step 1 Mix all the ingredients for the bottom layer which comprise of rice flour, green pea flour, tapioca flour and pandan juice and stir over low flame. Steam the end product for approximately 20 minutes.

Step 2 Mix all the ingredients for the top base which comprise also of rice flour, tapioca flour and green pea flour mix with coconut milk and a pinch of salt and stir slowly over low flame. Pour the thickened top base over the bottom green base and again steam for 20 minutes.

Step 3: To check if the kuih is cook, tough the top layer and if it doesn't stick to your fingers it is done.

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