Sunday 1 January 2012

Or Kuih (Yam Kuih)

Hello everyone, the Nyonya is back. 2012 has arrived and a new year is signifies new beginnings. This year I start off my blog with a savoury dish called Yam Cake. Yam in New Zealand is also called Taro. In Penang, this cake is also known as Or Kuih.

Or Kuih is one of my favourite savoury kuih. It is made of steamed yam top off with fried dried prawns, fried shallots, spring onion, ground peanuts and red chillies to give it colour.

1. Cut the yam into small chunks. Placed the yam chunks into a steamer and steam it for 40 minutes or until tender.
2. In the mean time, fried 200g of mince chicken or pork until fragrant.
3. Sieve 250g rice flour and 125g of wheat flour into a big bowl
4. Mix to the flour 2 1/2 cups of warm water until a smooth paste is formed.
5. Mash the yam up till smooth with a fork.
6. Mix the mashed yam to the smooth flour paste
7. Mix the fried mince to the yam flour paste
8. Pour the mixture into a 10inch square tin and steam for a further 40 minutes or until firm.
9. Once the yam cake is cooled and firm, remove form tin and placed on serving plate.
10. Garnish the yam cake with fried dried prawns, fried shallots, spring onions, red chills and peanuts.


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